
Your All-in-one Tool for Course
Selection, Discussion and
Collaboration with Your Peers

A groupchat app integrated with customized GPTs tailored for your academic explorations @Stanford
Expanding to other universities soon!

Save Hours of Time with Smoother Course
Selection Experience

Ask pre-inserted CourseFinder in group chat with the data of all 4309 Stanford courses in spring quarter to assist you with course decision making. Intelligent recommendations based on your customized needs.

Accelerate Innovative Learning in Course-centric Context

Put aside Canvas, Ed, and Slack. With pre-created groups for all 4309 courses, here is a free space for you to have inspirational discussions by asking course-specific GPTs powered by GPT4 Turbo with your course pals for all Stanford courses offered in the incoming quarter.

Ask in the course channel...

Summarize your previous five answers along with the questions
Base on the reading, what are the main arguments of Michel Foucault on the term “power”?
Make a checklist of the the raw materials I could buy for 3d printing of a key
gpt, tell me more on the third point you just replied, cite online sources from top academic journals
search for the llm from github with the best token handling capacity, and compare it with other models in detail
gpt, check my code and provide me thoughts on how to refine it
Hey gpt, search online info, how has Nixon’s visit changed US-China relations?
Anyone want to join our group for a project on human-style robotics? Join via this link: xxx
Search online, give me the most updated 10-K of Amazon and compare it with the previous ones

Get answers of...


Perspective & Guideline

Targeted Web-browsing Results

Replies from Professors & TA

Ideas from Cohorts

Facilitate Your Course Project Collaboration

Streamline your course project completion alongside your teammates. Enhance information collection
and brainstorming efforts with a dedicated AI assistant tailored for your course needs.


Align Key Insights

Higher efficiency and accuracy of information search and alignment for all team members


Sync with Your Tools

Automatically sync important conversations with your tools like Notion and Google Docs


Spark in-Depth Conversation

Unlimited context of GPTs to build the customized knowledge flow of your course team


Free Access to GPT4 and More

Free use of GPT4, GPT4 Turbo and other most updated LLMs

Learn smarter, not harder.

Your Best Place for Easier Course Selection, Discussion and Collaboration with Peers